Golden HSE 2018 Winners Announced
The winners are 16 staff members in seven ‘golden’ categories and 21 students in the ‘Silver Nestling’ category. The winners of the ‘Golden Citation’, which is awarded to the most cited HSE scholar, have also been announced. The awards ceremony was held on November 27, on the HSE's birthday.
Data published from Russia KLEMS on the portal of World KLEMS
A new release of Russia KLEMS data covering the period from 1995 to 2014 has been published.
The group assembled in the second regular meeting
The seminar was dedicated to L. Borodkin's report ‘Russian Economy since the Abolition of Serfdom until 1917’, presented to introduce the group members to the literature on the economic development of Russia in the named period.
The group held its introductory seminar
Ilya Voskoboynikov presented a report on the group's goals and objectives.