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Centre for Productivity Studies


Development plan for Russia KLEMS in 2020

At the seminar of the Russia KLEMS group, which took place on December 17, 2019, Ilya Voskoboynikov presented the directions of work in 2020.

New release of Russia KLEMS 2019 data published

On December 3, a Russia KLEMS seminar was held for the presentation of the new data release. The indicators include time series for 34 types of activities of the Russian classification of economic activities (OKVED-1) for the period 1995-2016. New indicators have been added since the previous release in March 2017: volume indices of information and communication capital services and volume indices of labor services which take into account changes in the quality of the workforce. Russia KLEMS 2019 is adapted to the official indicators of the 1993 SNA. The adaptation of Russia KLEMS to the 2008 SNA requirements will be made in the December 2020 release.

The World Bank on how rich Russia is

World Bank Report “How Wealthy is Russia? Measuring Russia’s Comprehensive Wealth from 2000-2017”. The report uses capital stock data from Russia KLEMS

Report: “Sources of economic growth in the sectors of the economy of the USSR and the Soviet republics in 1950-1990”

Ilya Voskoboynikov presented the report, on December 4, 2019, at a meeting of the Center for Economic History of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of History. The work was part of two projects of HSE University—Russia KLEMS and “Long-term economic growth and structural changes in the USSR and the CIS since 1960”.

Seminar: “Official statistics for analyzing the productivity of the Russian economy”

The second open training seminar was held on November 26. The approaches to constructing performance indicators and the choice of statistical indicators depend on the tasks for which the performance analysis is required. These may relate to the study of interdependent, but not equivalent, phenomena—the development of technology, efficiency gains, lower real costs, the optimization of production methods, or higher living standards. Another important criterion when constructing performance indicators is data availability in national statistics.

Seminar: “Economic growth accounts, fundamentals of the KLEMS methodology: data sources, design examples and elements of analysis”

On November 12, the first open training seminar of the Russia KLEMS group took place. The moderator of the seminar, Ilya Voskoboyinikov, presented the main elements of the methodology for the sectoral economic growth accounts that underlie the KLEMS methodology.

The report "Productivity Dynamics in Industries Requiring High and Low Skills, Before and After the Global Crisis, in the Economies of Europe, Japan, Russia and the USA" was presented at the Conference held at the NIS HSE

At the international conference “Experience and Challenges in Studying Incomes and Welfare in the Countries of Eastern Europe and the CIS” that went to NRU HSE, a report was presented entitled “Dynamics of productivity in sectors requiring high and low qualifications, before and after the global crisis, in the economies of Europe, Japan, Russia and the USA "sponsored by Vokoboinikov I. B., Kirsten Jager and Robert Stehrer

Interview with Barbara Fraumeni

On September 17-18, HSE University hosted a special conference with the International Association for Research in Income and Welfare (IARIW) on “Experiences and Challenges in Measuring Income and Wealth in CIS Countries and Eastern Europe”, at which Barbara Fraumeni spoke. In an interview with HSE news service staff, she spoke about her work in the field of economic accounting and human capital and her experience of participating in a conference in Moscow

Russia KLEMS partner is the world Bank

The world Bank has become a partner OF HSE in the development and use of Russia KLIPS data

An article by I. Voskoboinikov "Why is Eastern Europe poorer than Western?"

09.13.2019 on the scientific and educational portal IQ.HSE.RU published an article by I. Voskoboinikov “Why is Eastern Europe poorer than Western?” (Https://iq.hse.ru/news/306245968.html)